FAIRSECO Research Software Impact Portal

A Github action that determines the impact of your research software with the goal of increasing its FAIRness.

Overview Page

Fig 1: Overview of FAIRSECO tool


  • FAIRSECO aims to make research software, the software that advances society by supporting and contributing to academic research, more FAIR, i.e., Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable
  • Fairness of the software can be evaluated using fairtally, which measures how well the software adheres to the principles of FAIR
  • FAIRSECO provides information to people intending to use the research software using a few metrics about software quality, provenance information, and impact data
  • It also provides information for people’s needs to measure the success of a project with the help of impact and citation data
  • It creates a Software Bill of Materials(SBOM) that encompasses information about third-party components, licensing, vulnerabilities, and version details.
  • It uses Tortellini to identify potential license violations

SearchSECO, impact measurement

Programming language

Typescript, JavaScript, EJS


GNU Affero General Public License v3.0

Source code


Participating Organizations
