The dApp is accessible through the following link address:

You need MetaMask, as a wallet for your browser, to communicate with the Ethereum blockchain. Otherwise, you will receive the following message from your browser:

Note, you can add MetaMask as an extension to your browsers, such as Chrome and Firefox.

Please follow the following steps to configure the MetaMask and create a new user account for yourself. 

Step 1) Click on “Get Started” to start the configuration of MetaMask.

Step 2) Click on “Create a Wallet” to create your wallet.

Step 3) After reading the “Privacy Policy”, you need to click on “I agree” to proceed further.

Step 4) Next, you need to create your password.


Step 5) You should set the network to “Ropsten Test Network, “ where the back-end side of our dApp is deployed.

Step 6) Afterward, you should click on “Import Account” to indicate your private key.

You can employ the ETH vanity address generator to generate private keys.

Note, ethers is a cryptocurrency used to fund transactions on the Ethereum network. On the Ethereum mainnet, ethers may be purchased from any cryptocurrency exchanges. However, on the Ropsten network, you may obtain free ethers from faucets ran by other organizations. For instance, Metamask Faucet and Ropsten Ethereum Faucet can be used to obtain free ethers:

Now, you are ready to connect to SecureSECO and spend some ETH.

Step 7) Click on “Connect” to establish the connection between your MetaMast account and SecureSECO.

Ether (ETH) is the fuel for the Ethereum network. When we send tokens, interact with a contract, send ETH or ERC20 tokens, or do anything else on the blockchain, we must pay for that computation. That payment is calculated in gas, and gas is always paid in ETH. MetaMask shows your budget in terms of ETH.

Step 8) Click on “Add new entity” to add a new entity to the SecureSECO blockchain network.

Step 9) Please note, we pay for the computation, regardless of whether our transaction succeeds or fails. Even if it fails, the miners must validate and execute our transaction, which takes computational power. We must pay for that computation just like we would pay for a successful transaction. You need to click on “Confirm” to pay for the required gas to perform the transaction.

Please wait to receive the following message from the Etherscan to confirm the execution of your transaction.

You can check the status of your transaction on Etherscan:

Please note that the reported address on Etherscan is always the same as your public key.

Step 10) You can find a JSON file based on its identity.

Step 11) You can see all of the entities and their public keys.